And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Acts 2:42
Why 242 Groups?
Too often we live disconnected lives, but the truth is, we need each other. In Acts 2:42 as people connected with the Word of God and the people of God the result was that lives were changed and God was glorified. That is what we are to be about.
What are 242 Groups?
242 Groups generally consist of 10-14 people who have some common interest whether that be stage of life, occupation, etc. We want relationships to go long and deep. Instead of constantly change the make-up of the group, we want to build groups that last for the long haul.
What happens at 242?
Groups last for about an hour and fifteen minutes. First there is the gathering time where we catch up with each other. The focus is then on an applicational discussion of the sermon we have all heard and thought about. Finally we pray for each other. That is some of what we do. What we are really doing is being disciples who make disciples.
When Are 242 Groups?
242 Groups meet for three sessions each year, with each session lasting 8-10 weeks. The first session is from September to mid-November before the holiday crush. The second is from January to Easter. And the third is from Easter to May. Groups meet on different nights of the week, so hopefully there will be a place for you.
What do 242 Groups study?
Our 242 Groups are sermon-based Bible studies. We want to move the sermon from information to transformation. So often we may walk out of church thinking, “Nice sermon, but what difference should it make in my life?” Within the 242 Groups we will work together to answer that important question How do I get involved? Think of it in terms of a highway. The first three weeks of each 242 Group session is the on-ramp. That is the time you can join a group. But since we want the relationships to go long and deep, after the third week we ask you to make a commitment to the group. Once that 10-week session is over, you are free to take an exit ramp, but you will probably want to stay on for the ride. A few weeks prior to each session you can sign up to be part of the 242 Small Group Ministry. One of the group leaders will then contact you
Is there anything else I should know about 242 Groups?
Probably a lot of things. For example, once each session your group will have a social and once each year you will have a service project. Also, men within the group, and women as well, try to get together outside of normal group times.
Too often we live disconnected lives, but the truth is, we need each other. In Acts 2:42 as people connected with the Word of God and the people of God the result was that lives were changed and God was glorified. That is what we are to be about.
What are 242 Groups?
242 Groups generally consist of 10-14 people who have some common interest whether that be stage of life, occupation, etc. We want relationships to go long and deep. Instead of constantly change the make-up of the group, we want to build groups that last for the long haul.
What happens at 242?
Groups last for about an hour and fifteen minutes. First there is the gathering time where we catch up with each other. The focus is then on an applicational discussion of the sermon we have all heard and thought about. Finally we pray for each other. That is some of what we do. What we are really doing is being disciples who make disciples.
When Are 242 Groups?
242 Groups meet for three sessions each year, with each session lasting 8-10 weeks. The first session is from September to mid-November before the holiday crush. The second is from January to Easter. And the third is from Easter to May. Groups meet on different nights of the week, so hopefully there will be a place for you.
What do 242 Groups study?
Our 242 Groups are sermon-based Bible studies. We want to move the sermon from information to transformation. So often we may walk out of church thinking, “Nice sermon, but what difference should it make in my life?” Within the 242 Groups we will work together to answer that important question How do I get involved? Think of it in terms of a highway. The first three weeks of each 242 Group session is the on-ramp. That is the time you can join a group. But since we want the relationships to go long and deep, after the third week we ask you to make a commitment to the group. Once that 10-week session is over, you are free to take an exit ramp, but you will probably want to stay on for the ride. A few weeks prior to each session you can sign up to be part of the 242 Small Group Ministry. One of the group leaders will then contact you
Is there anything else I should know about 242 Groups?
Probably a lot of things. For example, once each session your group will have a social and once each year you will have a service project. Also, men within the group, and women as well, try to get together outside of normal group times.